Programming your Garmin 430 or Garmin 430W Obstacle and Terrain data card is a different process from using Jeppesen Skybound for the NavData.
Jeppesen Skybound card programmer is used for programming monthly NavData into the card in the left slot. This database is required to be current for IFR flight.
The Obstacle and Terrain databases are stored on the card in the right slot. These databases must be purchased directly from Garmin, and programmed with Garmin’s proprietary card programmer (“USB Aviation Data Card Programmer”) – the Jeppesen Skybound programmer will not work.
In addition to the high cost of the Garmin card programmer, the task can be tedious – Windows installation problems, data card serial number problems and snafus with Unlock Codes, etc.
The Obstacle and Terrain databases are not required for IFR flight, but it’s a good idea to update these cards periodically so that you’ve got current data. Aircraft with two Garmin 430 or Garmin 430W radios will need to buy each database twice.
Costs: Expect to pay your Avionics shop their regular shop rate (e.g. $90 per hour) to perform the updates for you… it will take about an hour. The databases cost $50-100 each depending on the geographical area you choose.